Wednesday, October 27, 2010

When Thirteen Moons Entwine

When Thirteen Moons Entwine
International textile arts event in the Outaouais
Aug 15 to Oct 10, 2010
Moon Rain Centre, Val-des-Monts, Quebec.

The integration of textile arts into the natural environment and the mythology of the thirteen moons

When Thirteen Moons Entwine
was an international textile event, inspired by the thirteen moons of the lunar calendar. It was an outdoor laboratory that brought together established professional textile artists with emerging artists in the creation of outdoor textile art installations at thirteen sites along a scenic walking path in nature at Moon Rain Centre, in the Gatineau Hills.

The number thirteen has very ancient and mystical significance, representing the unification of life, creation and the cosmos. In many cultures, the Wise Woman is referred to as a "Woman of the Thirteenth Moon".
When thirteen Moons Entwine included a spectrum of textile arts exhibitions presented in collaboration with major exhibition centres in the region, and offered hands on workshops by internationally known textile artists.
Quand les treize lunes s'entrelacent
When Thirteen Moons Entwine
Three minute video
Video courtesy of Aisha Productions, Gatineau, Quebec

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