Wednesday, April 8, 2020

A post from from Sally Reckert of the British Tapestry Group.

A post from Sally Reckert of the British Tapestry Group.

Hi all,

1. Social Distancing
This is my weaving for 'Social Distancing’ can also be ‘Just going for a walk does anyone want to come? Too busy’  or even ‘Somebody forgot their phone’Hilary O'Connell - Social Distancing

Stay well and safe all of you.

All the best,
Hilary O'Connell

2. A Little News Item and more...
A little news item:

Here is the link to a Podcast interview of Thoma Ewen, produced by Sarah Resnick of Gist Yarn in Norwood, MA, USA. In the interview, Thoma describes how she became a tapestry artist and relates the experiences leading up to creating The Vision Weave Project, a community tapestry project that Moon Rain Centre has done with thousands of school children.

(the podcast was made before the closures came into effect)

And a feel good message from children: “ca va bien aller”  - “it’s going to be OK”

All over Quebec, children are hand-colouring pictures of rainbows in all sizes, and writing the title  “ca va bien aller” and posting them in windows of homes and apartments. Children are sending out a message of hope to their communities.

We saw these rainbow pictures last Friday when we drove to Buckingham, Quebec to pick up much-needed tools and equipment from the school in which we had been doing the community project ”Constellation”. I was so moved to see these rainbow pictures in all sizes, remembering that The Vision Weave Project often uses a rainbow colour scheme. Thank you to all the children for communicating hope. It really made me feel better.
ca va bien aller - it’s going to be OK
ca va bien aller - it’s going to be OK

Attached is the jpg of the rainbow image that a child can colour and post- you can of course do an English version if you like. It’s apparently become a movement all across Quebec- called the “ca va bien aller” movement. We found the image on the web. Maybe a child you know might like to colour it, and to know that kids here in Quebec, Canada are doing the same.

Stay safe,
Keep doing the things you love,
Warm best wishes to you and your families,
Thoma Ewen
Moon Rain Centre

EDITOR's NOTE: You might like to do a weaving of it, or one of your own design. I am about to start weaving a small one (15 cm x 11 cm):
Behold the Rainbow
Behold the Rainbow

Wouldn't it be great if we could all do a small weaving and link them up so that they went all around the world, holding it safe!

3. The Beginning Artist
Social distancing means an increase in 'Distance Learning'. We have found this website that may help those just starting on their weaving journey, or just curious to see what is out there.

4. Selvedge
Newsletter No. 14

Supporting Makers Together.
The current global pandemic has changed the way we live, at least temporarily. We need beauty and lightness amidst the anxiety of the rolling news, and Selvedge will play its part by promoting makers of handmade textiles through engaging storytelling...

Read the story.

Secrets of the Museum. 
A six-part BBC Two documentary about the V&A follows the museum’s curators...

Read the story.

Read the whole newsletter at:


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